134 E. Ridge Rd, 1937–1943

To show her gratitude to Frank, she never purchased a casket from another company. Margaret showed everyone what a woman was capable of. She not only survived, she thrived. In less than five years, Margaret purchased the current location at 1459 Market Street in Linwood, PA, in 1943. The sign read: Francis L. Ward Funeral Home. It was previously the residence of a Dr. Valentine and was built in the 1880s. Margaret then gifted the deed to 134 E. Ridge Road to Francis’ Parents.

She and the children made residence upstairs and the funerals were now held separately downstairs. Her son, Joseph, who became the next generation funeral director, started helping his mother at age 13 with the manual labor of pushing the caskets up and down from the garage to the parlor and helping carry them out to the hearse on Market Street.